If you’re in the Los Angeles area, don’t miss Public Works: A DJ Shadow/Obey Reconstruction this coming Thursday (August 25th) at Kidrobot LA from 6 to 8 PM. This is the release party and signing for the Public Works box set which is limited to 450 sets and will retail for $169.99. An event exclusive Public Works print will also be available. The main attraction, the box set, promises to be amazing — each indvidually numbered in a Shepard Fairey designed and assembled box includes:
- 5 T-shirts (4 of which will be available individually, 1 exclusive to the set).
- A brand-new full-length mix album from DJ Shadow
- "Post No Bills" book by Shepard Fairey
- Plus stickers, buttons and other surprises.
For those that can’t make it out to the release party, the Public Works box set will also be available generally on September 1st from Kidrobot and ShopDJshadow.com. This is definitely a hot event so expect a serious line 🙂 Get there early if you possibly can.
Kidrobot Los Angeles
1407 3rd Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401