Muttpop’s Tequila figure was finalized and the initial poncho sculpt was complete. But how does the Poncho sculpt look when WORN by Tequila?
Monster 5’s original Poncho sculpt stayed very close to Gobi’s design in the turnaround; but what appears to work in the turn around doesn’t quite work in a solid sculpt. The rigidity of the material made the Poncho look heavier and stiffer than what was intended. The form was there, but it is crucial that the final Poncho design convey the fluidity and weight of cloth.
Muttpop encouraged Monster5 to use his sculpting expertise to give the Poncho a more cloth-like structure. Monster5 sculpted softer lines that give the Poncho more movement and emphasizes how the cloth lays on Tequila’s body.
The FINAL result (as seen in the AFTER image) speaks for itself.
I am amazed with how things are just coming together. At first glance, Tequila looked sort of awkward with the stiff poncho on, but after Monster5 ‘s smooth sculpting, it is hard to imagine the previous poncho’s "roughness" ever existed.Can you imagine the work that went into the poncho…how in the world do you make a piece of vinly look like cloth????
Check back next week to see the COMPLETE SCULPT of the FINAL TEQUILA wearing the FINAL PONCHO!
Fellers, when oh when will we see a toy. I cant take this waiting. KILLING Meeeeee.
The “after” poncho is right on. Monster5 did a spot on job. I love the little details like the tears in the neck. Also, his revisions reflect more of the original concept art. The early version looked weird ‘cos it didn’t cover tequilas shoulders and sat too low on him. Good job by everyoneinvolved. I need this figure now. Can’t wait to see how people customize him.
Yeah the new poncho looks likeit will fit perfectly, the old one does sit a bit awkwardly.
Looking forward to seeing more 😀