Seeing the artists with their creations makes the toy collecting hobby a bit more personal, so here are most of our pictures of artists signing at SDCC. Taking photos of artists while they are signing is a whole new ball game from taking photos of toys. I usually take a quick shot while trying to stay out of people’s way, so some of the pics may have come out a bit blurry. Nonetheless, here they are..enjoy!!!
Mad Barbarians
John Koch
David and Sun-Min
Chris Lee and John
Jay and Anna
Tristan Eaton
Kozik, Raymond, MCA
NYC Lase
Elizabeth Ito
Thomas Han
Patrick of Munky King
Freaks 🙂
Gary Lo
Bwana Spoons
Neo-Kaiju Crew
Nathan Jureuicius
George and Ayleen
Sket-One with a VP shirt
Baseman and Hot Cha Cha
Jack and his friend
Mad, Adrian and Darren (Play Times)
Paul with CP
Big Art By Tyson Summers
Raymond with Mad Barbarians
Andrew Bell
It’s a good thing you only got SKET’s back, you saved yourself a camera lens!
Wish I had more time to hang with the toy crews, unfortunately my gang is usually on the opposite side of the hall. Had a good time though, thanks to everyone I got to meet.