Hey all. Just got back from the opening night of the Funny Club show at Munky King. B.B. Birdy and Nakanari were on hand to customize both white and black DIY Funny Club figures for fans. Between my gf and myself, we got two customs — one of a clown and one of a black/white wayward evil doer (hard to describe) — I’ll post pictures soon, probably tomorrow. Both of them were quite cool and took the time to do very nice customs for each of the customers waiting in line.
The Funny Clubs on display from over 140 different artists were quite amazing. Since this is a travelleing show, excellent pictures of these (from the Chicago stop at Rotofugi) are available on the web (see my earlier post). Although as is my personal experience with many designer toys and art as well, pictures do not do justice to many of these pieces. For instance, Huck Gee’s futuristic Mecha Funny Club is quite tall — at least 16 inches or so and quite impressive in both design and scale.
The crowd was pretty good size but seemed to come in pretty manageable mini-waves — which was a blessing since both artists were devoting a fair amount of time creating people’s customs. We left around 9 so perhaps the line grew considerably after that.
Also: Yes, I know the pictures (sent live from the show via cell phone) are dominating the front page of the blog right now — I’ll fix that up somehow — maybe merge ’em into one giant post. I think I need a separate moblog for special events like this — I plan to send some pictures live from SDCC (San Diego ComiCon) as well.
Oh one last piece of fun : we ran into Gary Baseman just as we were about to leave. He was incredibly friendly as well. My gf introduced herself, and Gary replied " Hi, I’m Gary" (as if we didn’t know 🙂 He also gave her a brand new large flyer for his upcoming "For the Love of Toby" show.
I’ll scan it and have it up either tomorrow or monday.
That’s it for tonight. Look here tomorrow and monday for some more stuff.