As a bunch of us waited in line at Kidrobot Santa Monica last night for the Frank Kozik signing, curious onlookers would look at the line, look at the store, and while some would just shrug and move on, MANY others would ask, "What are you in line for?". Which really is a reasonable question, but asked once every say 5 minutes gets to be repetitive. Kidrobot is located on the 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica which is a street (closed to car traffic) mall which attracts lots of foot traffic. That being said, you rarely see lines — other than say outside of clubs and such. Anyways…
The conversation following THE question was pretty much uniform…
"It’s a signing by Frank Kozik".
"Oh…. Who’s he? What is he signing?"
"His toys… There (pointing to the window display)"
"Uh ok. Thanks".
The facial expression from many of these people revealed way more than their words. It ranged from bemused to disdainful. I remarked to some of my line "neighbors" that their look basically said "Freaks… Waiting for a toy signing". Oh well, I guess it’s to be expected 🙂 I wonder if people saw all the cool toys inside of the store, if they would have a different opinion… Probably not though!