JFury – Slow Death Presale


JFury’s latest original resin creation is Slow Death. Part of the appeal of the new figure lies in its clever deception.  From the front, the figure (3” x 4” x 3”) appears to be ‘just’ a cute, harmless snail toy.  Turning the figure around reveals the removable Skull / Shell and the link to the popular phrase, one which seems rather timely.  Maybe it’s just me, but the boxy, wide skull also reminds me of hot rods – just a bit. 

JFury is now accepting preorders for the two debut editions -– a transparent Juke Orange body with solid orange shell and one with a transparent smoke body and solid black shell.  The individual figures are  available for $50 and the set of two is available for $90 – all at JFury’s web shop. The pricing includes shipping within the U.S.  As a fun bonus, collectors who purchase a Slow Death during the presale will have a chance to win a one-off custom Slow Death.  The presale ends on Sunday (2.23) @ 3 PM PST.
