Welcome to Reactor-88's Custom Corner. To close out February, I'm featuring one of my favorite custom artists, Owen DeWitt, probably better known as Grimsheep. Owen is a full-time toy artist who also squeezes in a little illustration, painting and web design. He currently resides in Maine by way of Montreal, Canada. I remember seeing Grimsheep's customs a few years back and what initially drew me to them was the line work. I know firsthand how much time and effort it takes to get precise, symmetric shapes and lines with just a paintbrush, so I'm always impressed when I see ultra-clean work like his. Since I'm also a big Star Wars fan, his Stormtrooper customs caught my eye as well. I really liked how he took the iconic character and blended it with his own unique style, as opposed to just rehashing the original design. But Stormtroopers are just a small part of his arsenal- from Woodland Style customs to his bands of animal assassins, Owen has a wide range of designs for everyone's tastes. To see more of Grimsheep’s work, check out his website.