64 Colors x Kidrobot – Supermagical 8” Dunny


64 Colors joins the 8” Dunny Family with their own piece of artwork, known as Supermagical. This must be getting all the hearts of you 64 Color fans pumping, as this design is just stunning. We love how the design of the tree branches out into a sculpted Dunny ear. Great choice of artists for Kidrobot to pick up for their latest 8”er.

I roam the forest keeping a watchful eye for those who disrespect that which is sacred and in decline.
Beware and do not destroy, or I will descent upon you with a mighty fury and vengeance that is swift and absolute.

Supermagical will be up for grabs on Thursday, February 23rd at all Kidrobot Stores, KR Online, and select retailers. This piece is limited to 1200 pieces and will retail $75 each.

supermagical-dunny-front supermagical-dunny-back supermagical-dunny-box