Rivet Gallery Presents: Jeff Lamm in ‘Super Face Punch!’ (11.05)

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This Saturday, November 5th will the opening reception of Jeff Lamm’s solo exhibit, ‘Super Face Punch!’ at Rivet Gallery. You must be wondering what you can expect from this show? Well… this exhibit will feature original artwork, prints, an exclusive T-Shirt, letterpress print, and a toy release. Did somebody say toy?! Yes, we did! They will be debuting the newest release of the M5 Bravo and Stee-Gar sets from Unbox Industries. The show opens at 7PM and will run until November 30th. Jeff will also be in attendance at the show, so be sure to say give him a big Columbus welcome!


This set of Stee-Gar and M5 Bravo are based on art of the header card. Won’t be able to make it to rivet? Don’t worry because Unbox will be releasing them at a later date.

Rivet Gallery
1200 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43201