Today on Proto Monday we bring you the very first public look at the sculpt for the upcoming Big Egypt: Parlor Sphinx resin (5”, ed. of 50) figured created by celebrated cartoonist Jim Woodring and produced by Cardboard Spaceship. Over the years Jim has created numerous memorable characters but he definitely seems to have some affinity for frogs including Mr. Bumper and now Big Egypt.
The new figure offers a humorous and quirky look at one of the iconic landmarks of ancient Egypt. Traces of the inspiration are most obvious in Big Egypt’s side profile which features a long and gradual sloping back. The curiously pronounced right eye is perhaps the most striking element of the figure and appears to carry some Egyptian symbolism. Judging by the box art, Big Egypt will feature a ‘natural’ color scheme.
If all goes according to plan, Cardboard Spaceship will release Big Egypt at their SDCC 09 booth.