Ayako Takagi’s Uamou


[Here’s Luke Rook’s latest transmission from Japan — a look at Ayako Takagi’s burgeoning Uamou empire which will be featured in its own exhibition @ Stitch opening on May 13th.  Enjoy].

This is Ayako Takagi and her most recent works in progress, and it’s a pretty good indication of just how busy she is. When you see the sheer volume of her work, you’ll understand. Ayako Chan is the brains behind Uamou. She is a bit of a rarity in the Japanese toy world. You see, she is a girl, which unlike the US, is very uncommon in these circles. Though her gender is different from most toy makers, her style is right in line with the best of them. What’s really cool about her work is she brings to the table a feminine sensibility while still creating figures that can fit into any collection. Most notable is the title character, Uamou, and side kick Boo. They are good friends who always look out out for one another. Uamou is in the final stages of making it’s first debut in vinyl. Though when you see this amount of manifestations, it’s kind of amazing that it’s just now making the vinyl leap.