Apina’s Custom Skull Bee – It Came From Skullbrain (04.18)


Non-traditional Kaiju customizer Adrian Pina has taken a shot at something new for the “It Came From Skullbrain” show over at Super7. Apina is one of the very few artists not being an SB member who has been invited to this custom show. He displays his talent onto this Skull Bee, with beautiful detail and some very nice choice of colors. Other artists participating in this show are: Toybot Studios, Jared Deal, Reactor88, Brent  Nolasco,Paul Kaiju, Bil Betsovic, McBoing Boing, LASH, Jesse Hernandez, Lou Pimentel, JOE, Leecifer, Hellopike, and many many more. Quite a handful of these artist are new to the kaiju customizing game. We cannot wait to see what these western customers can pull off for this exhibit. The show takes place on Saturday, April 18th at Super7.


1628 Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94115