Tristan Eaton – Tag Team Dunnys + FatCaps

Right on — this should be cool.  2+ years after  previous speculation about Tristan Eaton’s paint splattered Dunny design (seen on VP in an interview with Paul Bunditz – September of ’05) — Kidrobot is about to release the 8" Dunny as the Tag Team set complete  with a 3"matching FatCap in both black and pink colorways.  Wonder if the purple will ever be released?   Each 8" paint splattered dude has a gas mask (beware of fumes) and paint can rig…  Don’t missings  signing  at both the KRNY (1.17.08 @ 6-8 PM) and new KR Miami  (1.18.08 @ 6-8 PM) store — pick up your TagTeams and meet Tristan — Dunny’s designer.