Andrew Bell brought the heat to the windy city with his opening of Hot Curry @ Rotofugi this Past Friday. Thanks to Andrew, Jackie M. and Ophelia those of us who couldn’t make it get a chance to see what we missed 😉 Which was quite alot including scores (well lots…) of original creature paintings, Masala T-shirts and prints, hand-made Meat Cube plushes and more (only 20!). From the pics we’ve seen, the black and gold Masala Zliks (two giant (18") and one regular size) are probably the nicest "custom" editions Andrew’s ever done. Beautiful pieces and great use of the Indian motif to tie in with the show "theme". For more pics, check out Andrew’s flickr and Ophelia’s as well.
I mentioned missing the show, well all is not lost. Rotofugi will be putting up the available show items (hopefully including some of those nice shirts and prints) shortly. So keep an eye on their virtual storefront.
I am an absolutely huge fan of Andrew Bell’s works, and if I had the funds and the means, I would probably own every piece of merchandise that he sells, just cause. Anyways, I am certainly far from being disappointed with his work this time for Hot Curry. I’ll for sure be on the lookout for more of his exhibits, or galleries or whatever the hell you want to name where an artist shows their work.