Save Huck Sticker

A few months ago we learned about Huck Gee’s
battle with the US immigration services and many in the toy community have stepped in to do their part to help save Huck. You can do your part
by purchasing this quality vinyl sticker available from Shindakun. Each Save Huck
sticker cost only $1.00 with a flat shipping cost of $4.05 $1.00 (dunny not
included). A limited number of stickers are signed by Huck and will be
randomly given out to buyers. Please visit the website for more
information and to put in your orders. For international orders, please
contact Steve. Come on folks…let’s show our support for this awesome artist, who has brought us nothing but great pieces of art work.

2 Replies to “Save Huck Sticker”

  1. Opps. I broke the page last night and didn’t figure it out till now. It’s all fixed. Packages will start going out shortly. Thanks everyone!

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